• You don't have to be a consignor to volunteer.​ 
  • All volunteers get to preshop (access to the sale prior to opening to the public.)  Work at least 2 shifts to get the earliest access.
  • Work shifts are in 3 or 4-hour increments. Check shift times carefully.
  • If you have mobility/physicality concerns about your work shift please let us know when you sign up for your shift.  We will gladly accommodate your needs.
  • You will get your actual job assignment when you sign in to work. Make sure you sign in and out for each shift.
  • Your children may not accompany you during your work shift unless they meet the junior volunteer requirements and are registered for the shift under their own name.
Help Spread the Word-Print our current sales flier and share 

$10.00 OFF

When you spend $100.00

Bring or show this coupon at checkout at the Lil' Lambs Closet Sale and you will get $10.00 deducted from your total at checkout when your total is $100.00 or more.

Only one coupon per customer/transaction. 

Accepted at COTL Lil' Lambs Closet Sale

November 9, 2024

FREE Admission to the Presale!​    

Those working any shift during the week can preshop Thursday, August 8th. The more shifts you work, the earlier you are admitted.  Bringing children to preshop is highly discouraged due to space. Children that do come must stay with their parent at all times for safety reasons and are asked to not play with any of the items or walk inside the racks.

  • Those working 2 or more shifts will be admitted to preshop at 5:30 PM on Friday, November 8, 2024.
  • Those working 1 shift will be admitted to preshop at 6:30 PM on  Friday, November 8, 2024. 
  • Consignors and Volunteers may invite 5 friends to attend our Friends and Family Preshopping Event on  Friday, November 8, 2024 from 7:30-9 PM. 



I Want to SHOP

I Want to SELL



​For a Summary of your shifts and times - Click Here

Welcome to COTL

“He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the lambs with His arm and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. “ 
(Isaiah 40:11)

Junior Volunteers

  • Due to liability we can no longer allow volunteers under the age of 18 who are not members of the church or involved in approved community service with their school system. 
  • Junior Volunteers - those under 18, but at least 14- must create their own volunteer account and sign up for the junior workshifts only.
  • Junior Volunteers are allowed no more than 2 consecutive workshifts.